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Big companies are often described as dinosaurs. There are two reasons to why; one being their size based on employees, and the other, their tremendous weight. Weight of knowledge, weight of expertise, weight of credibility but also weight of structure.  


Big companies (or dinosaurus) are often organised with complicated and comprehensive structures. The most common structure is the hierarchy (fig. on left) and it seem logical since it shows a clear chain of command. The downside of this structure is that it limits the wiggle room for change, innovation and value creation due to strict policies, culture and an established work flow. In a sense the company looses a part of its flexibility to grab opportunities, and much like the dinosaurs, might go extinct.         

Of course, not all companies die, but a lot of them are not able to realise their full potential because of their established work parameters. As John P. Kotter from Harvard Business School states, all companies start out will a open and innovative structure (fig. on left) but over time it changes. When you are in a start-up you have to be agile and seek solutions consecutively. You borrow experience when you need it and make changes when you see fit. But after a while, as the company grows, firmer structures, like the hierarchy, are implemented to create a better overview.


Although they keep om blossoming and growing, there is still a piece of the innovative spark which slips between the floor boards. As companies grow, culture blossoms, rutines are established and middle management is introduced. these are all contributing factors to organise, but at the same limits fast action and the possibility to grasp opportunities as they appear. NÆR is ment to fill the gap between the floor boards, become the link between rutine and structure, hierarchy and cluster and innovation and commercialisation. 


NÆR is able to do so by working externally with internal affairs. It is not limited by established structures and is therefor free to roam, observe and act on behalf of the company in a way which they might find challenging by themselves. Innovative sense in also majorly person continent and som companies will therefor find this hard to achieve alone, without the right minds. 

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